BEST Week!

This is my favorite week of the year. Back-to-school week. One Gremlin started school today, the other two go back tomorrow. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love my Gremlins dearly, but after an entire summer at home with me, they are more than ready to get back to school and I am more than ready for them to go. This summer especially has been a rough one since I was so sick and didn’t really start to feel human again until August. The poor Gremlins have had a loooong boring summer filled with too many of mom’s doctor appts and forced “rest and recovery”. In fact, as I was telling the DH last night, I don’t even really feel like we HAD a summer.

To close out the summer we spent the holiday weekend with friends at their cabin in the woods. The Gremlins got to go fishing and swimming and just had a great time. I relaxed sans my laptop and enjoyed my last weekend of freedom. From here on out I’m on a tight schedule as I work to finish my 2nd paranormal book which is due in early December.

So before I take off for the day and dive back into writing, I thought I’d share some great emails I got this weekend. This came from a reader and really made my day:

“Wow. What a ride [STOLEN FURY] was for me. For years I have read Nora Roberts, Kathleen Woodwiss, Anne Stuart and had about given up finding something of great quality romance to read anymore. By accident, I bought Stolen Fury for a beach read and I am blown away. Only now to find out there are two more. I am in heaven. Thank you so much. I [am] now one of your biggest fans. Will be sharing this book with several people.”

This one is from Christine, in a comment she left on the blog here. I’m highlighting it because the post is down a ways and it was such a great comment, I thought it needed to be repeated:

“LOVE the back cover art that Leah made for MARKED. It looks fantastic!

Even better is that amazing book quote from Angie Fox! Sherrilyn Kenyon is one of the first paranormal romance authors that I fell in love with and Patricia Briggs is my favorite UF author (I just LOVE her Mercy Thompson series)—so Angie’s describing something I’d absolutely love, I’m sure! Can’t wait for May!”

Thanks so much, Christine. I’m so happy to hear you’re looking forward to the Eternal Guardians Series. (BTW, I forwarded your comment to Angie and she was thrilled it resonated with you!)

And finally, this one came from Daniel Boucher, ( who wrote an article about me and my books that will be printed in the October edition of the Toronto Main Street Magazine. He wrote about his low expectations regarding romance, and how he felt after he read STOLEN FURY:

“When I finished, I can honestly say that I was taken aback by what I’d read. All my preconceived notions of what romance novels were about (I was thinking trashy) had been tossed out the window. Instead of “trash” what I read was a fast-paced-page-turner that held my attention throughout, with sex scenes that made even a grown man like me blush. The tension Elisabeth created with both the action and love scenes were hypnotizing to say the least.”

When I have a link for the full article, I’ll post it here, but in the meantime…isn’t that a great quote? I just love it. Hearing from readers (and reviewers) has been a real high for me, and not something I thought I’d get so excited about. But it’s very very cool when people contact you to tell you how much they love your characters, their world, and your books. So keep the comments coming! They definitely inspire me.

Okay…gotta get to work now. I’ve left my hero in a cold forest tracking the bad guys. How about the rest of you…are you loving this week as much as I am?