Archive for the 'DTM' Category

Oh. My. God.

It’s done! It’s done! The WIP from Hades is finally done!!!!

2309 words today including the two most important words: THE END. Man, that feels good.

Of course, now I have to go back and read it a few times to clean up any left over threads, so it’s not totally done. But that I can handle. Especially since the edits should be pretty easy as I’ve been editing as I go.

My goal is to get it polished up and out the door to my agent by the end of next week. And as I’m doing that, I’m going … Read more »

Song List – DTM

Since the WIP is almost done (OMG…is it really? NO frickin’ way!!!!), I thought I’d post my song list for DTM. You know, the one that I listen to constantly as I’m writing (okay, not while I’m writing, but between writing sessions, this list is always going on my ipod or in my car or on the stereo while I’m doing stuff around the house so I can stay in the mindset of my book.) These are the songs my Gremlins can sing by heart because they’ve heard them so much, the ones my DH wants to puke to when … Read more »